Magic Academy Party

Magical experiences and adventures

 Age: 6-10 years

 Duration: 2 hours

 Minimum Number of Children: 20

 Program Fee: 50 GEL (per child)

 Description: The Magic Academy Party takes children on a magical journey where exciting experiences and adventures await. Each child will receive a wax-sealed invitation to join a fun-filled magical train, transporting them to a world of workshops and games featuring magical items.

 Journey to the Birthday:

  • The children will receive a wax-sealed envelope - a train ticket (invitation) before the birthday. The birthday child will also receive a fun countdown calendar from us one week before their birthday, which they can color in (or decorate with stickers) to make the days leading up to their birthday pass more quickly and joyfully. 
  • It is recommended that all guests come in themed costumes.  


  • Welcome: The birthday captain will welcome the little wizards and tell them all about Hogwarts School.
  • The sorting hat will assign the children to their respective schools.
  • The fun continues with a magical wand workshop, discovering magical objects, and a potion-making workshop.
  • The children will play Quidditch and create their own wizard cloaks according to their taste.  

Finally, the magical adventure will end with cake cutting under UV lighting, a song by Zilina, and a special dance, after which parents and children will hug each other and the birthday child.

Each guest will take home the wands, potions, and cloaks they created during the celebration.


Nino Ramishvili Second Alley #4

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